Monday, January 16, 2006

"Decision Successful"

After a nice long weekend, I was dreading going back to work, so I checked my email. Nothing from NZ Immigration. Just in case...I checked the NZ Immigration website itself. After logging in, I quickly looked at our EOI status - and there were the words I'd been waiting for: "Decision Successful". After 3 weeks of seeing "Selected" day after day, I couldn't believe it! Just to make sure, we clicked on those sweet words, and here was the explanation:


We are very pleased to confirm that your Expression of Interest has been successful.
You will shortly receive a letter inviting you to lodge an Application for Residence. The letter will contain information to help you complete your Application for Residence.

Now comes all the work! We have to gather evidence of our 'partnership' (as we are not yet married), our prior jobs and then get complete physicals. I understand the letter we will receive has a huge checklist of things we need to do and documents we need to gather. GAH! And SQUEEEE! :)

And yes, Heather and Amy, you can write a letter in protest. To get it to the right people, just give it to Darren or me and we'll make sure it's included in our Application package. Promise. Mmhmmm.


Amy Sens said...


Now I'll just need to start compiling evidence.


KJ said...

Congrats! I'm glad to hear that things are moving in the right direction. I'll be sorry to see you go, of course, but I know you'll be super happy in New Zealand! Good luck with the rest of the process!!
