Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Life is good

I'm feeling great today for so many reasons! Spring is here, and the trees are budding like mad. There are tons of white buds, and pink, and flowers are popping out everywhere! This weekend Daylight Savings Time begins. In general, I think DST is outdated, but I love having the extra hours of daylight. No more driving home in the dark!

In other good news, one of the firms I contacted in Wellington wants to schedule a phone interview soon! Squeee!! Hopefully I'll have an update next week...

And finally, Darren and I started the "Body for Life" program this week. Only three days in, I have an incredible amount of energy, and we are eating lots of yummy foods. The best part is working out together and eating together - it's fun to support each other. And being a type-A person, I really like the structure of the program! The program is 12 weeks, so I'll be updating our progress here and there.

Happy Spring!

1 comment:

Amy Sens said...

Happy spring!