Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Random Thoughts

Over the past week, I've had a lot of random thoughts, but none that would be able to carry their own post. Or maybe they would, but would be irritating. Instead I have compiled them and hopefully together they make for a less-irritating full post:

1) 'Bird people' are weird. I don't understand the fascination, really. Yes, birds are interesting, but I am not going to get out of bed early to sit in a forest to watch them and try to interpret what they are saying. I also don't care what they eat. And? Birds in the house are annoyingly loud. It's also cruel - let them go.

2) Speaking of weird people: 'Anime people'. I was listening to the radio on my commute this morning, and a DJ was describing a really wacked out Japanese show (which really doesn't narrow it down, does it? ) that his daughter had recorded on TiVO (I refuse to use TiVO as a verb!). I was just getting over the description - a man who is a psuedo superhero whose power is that his NOSEHAIR can fight people (and the different nosehairs have personalities or something) - when a 40-something year-old man called in and stated quite forcefully that the show described is not REAL Anime, and that the real Anime is well done and amazing and...I turned the station. Dude, get a grip!

3) Dream Catchers. Ok, I get the basic premise. Native Americans believed bad dreams would be caught up in these thingys. Fine. So why do I see dream catchers hanging from the rear view mirrors of white hippies' cars? Do they live in their cars? Fall asleep at the wheel frequently? I most recently saw one hanging from the mirror in a pizza delivery car. Ehhhh....

4) Thanksgiving. I am for the most part against this particular holiday. I grew up with the white-washed version of kind British settlers who came to this country unprepared for winter etc. and were helped out by the Native Americans. Awww...*blech* They always leave out how we turned around and wiped out most of said Native Americans with either chicken pox, or firearms. Ok, maybe not all on the same day, but you know the history. For me, they are linked. In any case, I am still grateful for many things and people. I did have a nice dinner with the family members I actually like to spend time with as well as Darren (who I'm always grateful for, esp when he chases the cat with a water gun so I can sleep).

5) This weather is killing me. I finally got used to the colder weather and resigned myself to only having warmth in the sauna at the gym. Then a front came in, and it was 60 degrees again! What a cruel tease. Pick one season or the other! Why does Mother Nature hate me so?

6) I *heart* New Zealand. This is not news, but it was a (frequent) random thought all the same.


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